Goblin Shark - rat bone

Artist: Goblin Shark
Album Title: Rat Bone
Format LP+DL: VR12139 (barcode: 7640148983471)
Format CD: VRCD139 (barcode:7640148983549)
Label: Voodoo Rhythm Records
Date of Release: Aug 2.2024 - ©voodoo rhythm publishing 2024

New Orleans Voodoo psych fuzz boogie Blues From a Helsinki Finland Nuthouse, 3 guys Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and made this Amazing weird Album.. former played in Black Magic Six and Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, for fans of Captain Beefheart and Chuck E. Weiss or Dr. John

GOBLIN SHARK is a hybrid patient of a Finnish mental asylum transsexual goddess and a rotten dark after-hour blues
rock'n'roll Fuzz Psych Voodoo dive Bar in New Orleans, they all meet in Helsinki Finland to create their music, Taskinen plays in bands like Black Magic Six, Heavy Breathers or Disgrace the 2nd even more crazy guitarist and master of self-made mini prison guitars Pharaoh Pirttikangas released numerous solo albums and was on the road with Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, Nubialaiset and Astro Can Caravan, then comes Neuvonen he is a black metal drummer from Tempere, Everyone loves the blues and the confusing side of life from a Finnish perspective, if you know what I mean, you can classify their music in the roots of Captain Beefheart and Chuck E. Weiss with the Raw Power of the Stooges or Dr. John.
I did met them on my tour in Helsinki in 2023 and was blown away by their performance and their music and the after party in a helsinki beer club, so we decided to release GOBLIN SHARK on Voodoo Rhythm. Taskinen had already made a trip to Switzerland from Black Magic Six and did met Robert Butler and have been friends ever since, so it made sense that Robert 'Mr. Butler' designed the artwork of cover for the band and it turned out as it had to be... a complete Brain Melt, and so do the 10 songs that will blow you away like nothing else - this is confused dirty blues rock'n'roll of the extraterrestrial third kind

1. Genghis Khan
2. Rat Bone
3. Where’s The Money
4. Serial Eater
5. Mumbai Mama
6. Mother Tiger
7. Mad Maria
8. Human Fountain
9. Root Canal Surgery
10. Shake Your Hips




GOBLIN SHARK on kuin suomalaisesta mielisairaalasta karannut hybridipotilas alkaisi työstää musiikkia, jossa aamuyöntuntien blues ja rock'n'roll törmää päätä pahkaa mureaan psykevoodoo-ajoon neworleansilaisen baarin nurkkapöydässä. Yhtyeen kitaristilaulaja Faarao Pirttikangas on soolouransa lisäksi soittanut yhtyeissä kuten Cosmo Jones Beat Machine sekä Astro Can Caravan. Toinen kitaristilaulaja Taskinen on levyttänyt ja kiertänyt maailmaan eri yhtyeissä, joista mainittakoon Black Magic Six tai Disgrace. Rytmiikasta pitää huolen Neuvonen, jonka vyöllä on mittava läjä projekteja sekä edustuksia erilaisten orkestraatioiden kanssa. Nämä miehet rakastavat bluesia ja työstävät sitä suomalaisesta näkökulmasta, jos tiedät mitä tarkoitan. Voit määrittää Goblin Sharkin ulosannin Captain Beefheartin tai Chuck E. Weiss suuntaan, The Stoogesin raivoon tai Dr. Johnin hulluuteen, mutta silti et ole päässyt täysin jyvälle mistä on kyse.
Tapasin yhtyeen kiertueellani Helsingissä vuonna 2023 ja hämmästyin heidän esityksestään sekä tietysti Helsingin klubien oluttarjonnasta, joten päätin kiinnittää GOBLIN SHARKin Voodoo Rhythm Recordsille. Taskinen on jo Black Magic Sixin kanssa tutustunut Butlerin, joten oli järkevää, että Robert 'Mr. Butler' suunnitteli albumin kannet. Ulosannista tuli sellainen kuin sen pitikin olla: täydellinen aivosumu, joka kuvaa täydellisesti albumin 10 kappaletta, jotka räjäyttävät sinut korkeammalle kuin mikään muu. Rat Bone on hämmentävää likaista blues rock'n’rollia, ikään kuin sen olisi tehnyt joku ulkoavaruudesta maanpinnalle rynnännyt olioryhmä.

GOBLIN SHARK ist ein Hybrid Patient von einer Finnischen Irrenanstalt Transsexuellen Göttin und einem Dunklen AfterHour Voodoo Rock’n’Roll Fuzz Blues Keller in New Orleans, in Helsinki treffen sie sich um ihre musikalischen ideen zu kreiren und umsetzen, Taskinen spielt in Bands wie Black Magic Six, Heavy Breathers oder Disgrace der 2te noch irrerer aus jedem raster fallende Gitarrist und Meister der selbstgebauten mini Gefängnis Gitarren Pharaoh Pirttikangas veröffentlichte zahlreiche solo Alben und war mit Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, Nubialaiset und Astro Can Caravan unterwegs , dann kommt Neuvonen er ist ein Black Metal Schlagzeuger aus Tempere, alle Lieben den Blues und die wirren Seiten des Lebens aus finnischer Sicht heraus wenn sie wissen was ich meine, ihre musik darf mann in den wurzeln von Captain Beefheart und Chuck E. Weiss ein ordnen mit der Gewalt von the Stooges und die Verspieltheit eines Jon Spencer
ich hab sie im 2023 in Helsinki auf meiner tour kennengelernt und war hin und weg von ihrer performance und ihrer musik so das wir beschlossen diese musik auf Voodoo Rhythm zu veröffentlichen, Taskinen hatte von Black Magic Six schon einen Abstecher in die schweiz gemacht und so Robert Butler kennengelernt und seither befreundet so lag es nahe das Robert ‚Mr. Butler‘ das cover für die band entwirft und es ist gekommen wie es sein musste.. ein kompletter hirn figg, und so auch die 10 Songs die euch umhauen werden wie sonst nichts das ist Wirrer Dirty Blues Rock’n’roll der ausserirdischen dritten art

GOBLIN SHARK est un patient hybride d'une déesse transsexuelle finlandaise de l'asile psychiatrique et d'un blues rock'n'roll sombre et pourri d'après-heure Fuzz Psych Voodoo dive Bar à la Nouvelle-Orléans, ils se retrouvent tous à Helsinki en Finlande pour créer leur musique, Taskinen joue dans des groupes comme Black Magic Six, Heavy Breathers ou Disgrace the 2nd, guitariste encore plus fou et maître des mini guitares de prison self-made, Pharaoh Pirttikangas a sorti de nombreux albums solo et était sur la route avec Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, Nubialaiset et Astro Can Caravan, puis vient Neuvonen c'est un batteur de black metal de Tempere, tout le monde aime le blues et le côté déroutant de la vie d'un point de vue finlandais, si vous voyez ce que je veux dire, vous pouvez classer leur musique dans les racines de Captain Beefheart et Chuck E. Weiss avec le Raw Le pouvoir des Stooges ou le Dr John
Je les ai rencontrés lors de ma tournée à Helsinki en 2023 et j'ai été époustouflé par leur performance, leur musique et l'après-bière dans un club de bière d'Helsinki, nous avons donc décidé de sortir GOBLIN SHARK sur Voodoo Rhythm. Taskinen avait déjà fait un voyage en Suisse depuis Black Magic Six et avait rencontré Robert Butler et était ami depuis, il était donc logique que Robert 'Mr. Butler' a conçu l'artwork de la pochette du groupe et cela s'est avéré comme il se devait... un Brain Melt complet, tout comme les 10 chansons qui vous épateront comme rien d'autre - c'est du sale blues rock confus 'rouleau du troisième type extraterrestre

GOBLIN SHARK è un paziente ibrido tra una dea transessuale del manicomio finlandese e un marcio dark blues rock'n'roll after-hour Fuzz Psych Voodoo dive Bar a New Orleans, si incontrano tutti a Helsinki in Finlandia per creare la loro musica, Taskinen suona in gruppi come Black Magic Six, Heavy Breathers o Disgrace il 2° chitarrista ancora più pazzo e maestro delle mini chitarre da prigione autocostruite Il faraone Pirttikangas ha pubblicato numerosi album solisti ed è stato in viaggio con Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, Nubialaiset e Astro Can Caravan, poi arriva Neuvonen è un batterista black metal di Tempere, tutti amano il blues e il lato confuso della vita dal punto di vista finlandese, se capisci cosa intendo, puoi classificare la loro musica nelle radici di Captain Beefheart e Chuck E. Weiss con i Raw Il potere degli Stooges o del Dr. John
Li ho incontrati durante il mio tour a Helsinki nel 2023 e sono rimasto stupefatto dalla loro performance, dalla loro musica e dal dopo birra in un beer club di Helsinki, quindi abbiamo deciso di pubblicare GOBLIN SHARK su Voodoo Rhythm. Taskinen aveva già fatto un viaggio in Svizzera con Black Magic Six e aveva incontrato Robert Butler e da allora siamo diventati amici, quindi era logico che Robert 'Mr. Butler' ha disegnato l'artwork della cover per la band e il risultato è stato come doveva essere... un Brain Melt completo, così come le 10 canzoni che ti lasceranno a bocca aperta come nient'altro - questo è confuso sporco blues rock'n 'rotolo del terzo tipo extraterrestre

GOBLIN SHARK es un paciente híbrido de una diosa transexual de un asilo mental finlandés y un blues rock'n'roll oscuro y podrido del after-hour Fuzz Psych Voodoo dive Bar en Nueva Orleans, todos se reúnen en Helsinki, Finlandia, para crear su música, Taskinen toca en bandas como Black Magic Six, Heavy Breathers o Disgrace, el segundo guitarrista aún más loco y maestro de las mini guitarras carcelarias hechas a sí mismas. Pharaoh Pirttikangas lanzó numerosos álbumes en solitario y estuvo de gira con Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, Nubialaiset y Astro Can Caravan, luego viene Neuvonen. él es un baterista de black metal de Tempere. A todos les encanta el blues y el lado confuso de la vida desde una perspectiva finlandesa. Si sabes a qué me refiero, puedes clasificar su música en las raíces de Captain Beefheart y Chuck E. Weiss con Raw. El poder de los chiflados o el Dr. John
Los conocí en mi gira en Helsinki en 2023 y quedé impresionado por su actuación, su música y la cerveza después en un club cervecero de Helsinki, así que decidimos lanzar GOBLIN SHARK en Voodoo Rhythm. Taskinen ya había hecho un viaje a Suiza desde Black Magic Six y conoció a Robert Butler y han sido amigos desde entonces, por lo que tenía sentido que Robert 'Mr. Butler' diseñó el arte de la portada de la banda y resultó como tenía que ser... un Brain Melt completo, al igual que las 10 canciones que te dejarán boquiabierto como ninguna otra cosa: esto es blues rock'n sucio y confuso. 'rollo del tercer tipo extraterrestre



Goblin Shark is a new Finnish band, whose name the release mentions bands and performers such as Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Captain Beefheart, The Stooges and Tom Waits. Here's a little taste of what's to come. And if this isn't enough to convince you of the band's goodness, maybe the band's members will. In addition to his solo career, the band's guitarist/singer Faarao Pirttikangas has played in bands such as Cosmo Jones Beat Machine and Astro Can Caravan. Another guitarist-singer Taskinen has recorded and toured the world in bands such as Black Magic Six or Disgrace. Drummer Neuvonen has a large number of projects and performances with various orchestrations, such as Elephant Bell and Peijas. The Swiss Voodoo Rhythm Records will release the band's debut album Rat Bone on August 2 on vinyl, CD and digitally. The first samples Mumbai Mama and Genghis Khan have been released from the album this week. You can listen to Mumbai Mama below, you can listen to Genghis Khan on Voodoo Rhythm Records' Bandcamp page here.

Kulttuuri Toimitus (FI)
Goblin Shark on peikkohai tai kärsähai, hidasliikkeinen syvän meren rustokala. Rujon näköiseltä meripedolta nimensä napannut kotimainen yhtye ei sitä vastoin ole lainkaan hidasliikkeinen, vaikka sen louhikkoisessa askeleessa ja rosoisessa ulosannissa on hain tapaan rutosti aavemaista uhkaa ja vinoa purentaa. Sen vauhti kuitenkin muistuttaa enemmän öljytyn ja äärimmilleen viritellyn dieselveturin jyskytystä kuin eteerisesti kääntyilevää haikalaa. Ehkä mereen on tippunut tuoretta verta? Cosmo Jones Beat Machine ja Astro Can Caravan -yhtyeistä ja moninaisista muista kokoonpanoista tuttu Pekka Faarao Pirttikangas antaa laulullaan ja soitollaan rupisen tavaramerkkisoundinsa Goblin Sharkin käyttöön. Tuntuu että on aika pitkälti sama, minkä nimikkeen tai taiteilijanimen alla Pirttikangas pistää laatikkokitaransa murisemaan; soittosoundi ja nariseva laulu tallaavat samaa likaisen bluesin maailmoista ammentavaa uraa.  Jos joku edes hiukan samansuuntaisia mielikuvia nostattava kotimainen muusikko pitäisi mainita, niin Black Magik Sixin ja Disgracen Jukka Taskinen olisi ensimmäisiä mieleen nousevia. Goblin Sharkissa laulaja-kitaristit lyövät osaamisensa toimivasti yhteen rytmistä vastaavan Neuvosen täydentämänä. Rytmikäs puksutus tuntuu olevan se ydinuoma, jonka kiihkeässä virrassa Goblin Shark vinguttelee, rouheilee, murisee ja svengaa. Sveitsiläisen Voodoo Rhythm -yhtiön julkaiseman debyyttilevyn avausraidalla modernien aikojen Genghis Khan juoksee hikisesti, luvaten katseellaan tuhoa ja kuolemaa kuin historiallinen esikuvansa. Äijämurisevassa uhossa on kuitenkin liukkaat lanteet ja sen verran hengitystilaa ja krumeluureja, että yksiuraiseksi touhu ei jyrästään huolimatta livahda. Levylle nimen tarjonnut Rat Bone on useamman askeleen veikeämpi, kulmikkaasti poukkoileva ja paikoin jopa heleästi hilipatihippaava vaaniskelu tarttuvalla kitarakierrolla.  Kulmikkaan kompastelevasti töksäyttelevä Where’s the Money saa pelkistetyn ruosteisella ja helposti tarttuvalla pyörteellään niskan pyörimään mukana. Serial Eater polkaisee veikeästi murisevan svengipedaalin jälleen kohti pohjaa hikisesti kreisibailaten. Kun Mumbai Mama luo uhkaa myöhäisen yön vaaniskelevilla käärmelanteilla, laukkaa toinen äiti eli Mother Tiger viidakossa huomattavasti suoraviivaisemmin.  Mad Marian kertosäe junttaa hyvin, vaikka rupisen tuhnuinen paahto alkaa paikoin toistaa itseään. Human Fountainin primusmainen venkoilu hymyilyttää ja keskiarvoa kepeämpi svengi nostaa peukkuja. Root Canal Surgery sen sijaan lähtee melkein saman tien käsistä, mutta purskahtelee toimivasti keulien. Kyllä se puolitoista minuuttia on sille silti aivan riittävästi. Shake Your Hips pistää otsakkeensa mukaisesti liike-energiaa oikeisiin paikkoihin pirullisella voodooloitsullaan. Garagebluesin, rupisen boogierockin ja artisteille ominaisen nyrjähtyneisyyden muodostama pyhä palaneen kumin ura on kolmikolla niin hyvin lapasessa, ettei lopputuotteesta löydy valuvikoja. Riittävästi maltetaan hengittää ja lanataan välillä myös kevyemmällä auralla. Sillä lailla!

Goblin Shark: The Rock n' Blues Bones, Goblin Shark is a hybrid patient of a Finnish mental asylum transsexual goddess and a rotten dark after-hour blues rock'n'roll Fuzz Psych Voodoo dive Bar in New Orleans, they all meet in Helsinki Finland to create their music, Taskinen plays in bands like Black Magic Six, Heavy Breathers or Disgrace the 2nd even more crazy guitarist and master of self-made mini prison guitars Pharaoh Pirttikangas released numerous solo albums and was on the road with Cosmo Jones Beat Machine, Nubialaiset and Astro Can Caravan, then comes Neuvonen he is a black metal drummer from Tempere, Everyone loves the blues and the confusing side of life from a Finnish perspective, if you know what I mean, you can classify their music in the roots of Captain Beefheart and Chuck E. Weiss with the Raw Power of the Stooges or Dr. John. Their debut 10-tracks album "Rat Bone" (Release Day: August 2nd, 2024) by Voodoo Rhythm Records is an unorthodox mixture of primal rock’n’roll, twisted rhythms and song structures and wild rolling boogie blast, which make their listeners find new and peculiar ways to shake their hips. Label's owner Reverend Beat-Man says: "I met them on my tour in Helsinki in 2023 and was blown away by their performance and their music and the after beer in a helsinki, so we decided to release GOBLIN SHARK on Voodoo Rhythm. Taskinen had already made a trip to Switzerland from Black Magic Six and did met Robert Butler and have been friends ever since, so it made sense that Robert 'Mr. Butler' designed the artwork of cover for the band and it turned out as it had to be... a complete Brain Melt, and so do the 10 songs that will blow you away like nothing else - this is confused dirty blues rock'n'roll of the extraterrestrial third kind". Goblin Shark: Pharaoh Pirttikangas – Vocals & Guitars; Taskinen – Vocals & Guitars; Neuvonen – Drums & Percussions.

Interview by Michael Limnios: How has the Rock n’ Roll Counterculture influenced your views of the world and the journeys you’ve taken?

Taskinen: Basically, it is what I am. I have played in several bands and projects in five decades, published music magazines, worked and founded couple of record companies. And played about 1500 shows over 30 countries all over the world. So, answer is yes. Very much indeed. Never thought about this much until now!

Neuvonen: It has been endless source of meeting interesting people. There are usually strong persons involved in counterculture. You can sure learn lot from those people. In good, bad and sometimes ugly. But it’s all beautiful.

Pirttikangas: Learned to be more DIY and as independent as possible. I hope I also got to be more tolerant towards other fellow men during this journey.

How do you describe Goblin Shark sound, music philosophy and songbook? What is the story behind band’s name: Goblin Shark?

Pirttikangas: Twisted and distorted. I came out with the idea that the name should have something to do with the animal kingdom and then Jukka went and found out about this most hideous looking shark there’s ever been. That’s Goblin Shark my friends.

Currently you’ve one new release with Goblin Shark. How did the idea of band come about?

Taskinen: We have been jamming with Pharaoh Pirttikangas before covid came up but had difficulties to find a drummer. When Neuvonen jumped in, things really started to roll on. We all have several bands, but not this kind of bluesy boogie roller. Original idea was to make everything easy: just take instruments, go on the venue and play whatever amplifiers and drums they have. If the songs are good enough, it doesn’t matter what kind of gear you have. But have to say, we have a little doubt now, hahaha.

"I usually don’t even think about this. Music has always been evolving. Even the history of recorded music is just something like century and a half old. I’m not really into retro. Just doing what feels good and comes out naturally." (Goblin Shark, Helsinki Finland)

Do you have any interesting stories about the making of the new album Rat Bone?

Neuvonen: Actual recording was made by Pekka in his home studio. Studio is located in industrial estate, so that atmosphere also had own influence on record. Nothing too fancy! Recording was made without any click tracks, headphones etc. Just three people playing with natural rhythm. We started the day with ice fishing, so we could get right mood for raw rock and roll. You could hear and feel the cold January in some songs.

What moment changed your music life the most? What´s been the highlights in your life and career so far?

Taskinen: Hearing Slayer’s Raining Blood album first time when I was teen and seeing Andrew Williams live 1998. Both changed my understanding how music and played, and in. Williams case, how you can form excellent show. About highlights; of course, my family is the biggest highlight in my career, but if we are talking about Goblin Shark – we have debut album just coming out, so to be signed on Voodoo Rhythm and booked on the great Gutter Island Garage Rock Festival in Denmark (we play there in 3 weeks, been there 3 times, always fantastic) have been pretty good start at least. Hope we have most of the highlights ahead!

Neuvonen: When my uncle gave me drums when I was 13. Highlights are when you are playing music with right people and the magic happens.

Pirttikangas: Witnessing Chop Suey And Festermen rehearsing in the basement of party house. They were the uttermost punk bands from Finland, and they came from my home village called Varpaisjärvi. I’m lucky ‘cause I’ve been given a chance to perform and record with so many of the musicians that I admire and who are my friends.

What do you miss most nowadays from the music of the past? What are your hopes and fears for the future of?

Taskinen: Kids start to play basic instruments. I understand that the rebellion is and will be done with other devices we had in the 80tees. But still I hope electric guitars and standard drum sets do come back. I do not fear much about the future, I am old enough and seen lots of things, but of course hope to see more exciting and extraordinary things, meet new friends and enjoy living as much as it is possible. Hope to play around the globe with Goblin Shark, that would be good hope for the future.

Neuvonen: I miss the human feel on music. Now days people are trying to sound like a machines and machines are made to sound like humans. Fuck that. My hope is that good music will always find its way to survive.

Pirttikangas: I usually don’t even think about this. Music has always been evolving. Even the history of recorded music is just something like century and a half old. I’m not really into retro. Just doing what feels good and comes out naturally.

"I do not fear much about the future, I am old enough and seen lots of things, but of course hope to see more exciting and extraordinary things, meet new friends and enjoy living as much as it is possible. Hope to play around the globe with Goblin Shark, that would be good hope for the future." (Photo: Goblin Shark are Pharaoh Pirttikangas; Taskinen; and Neuvonen)

What is the impact of music on the socio-cultural implications? How do you want the music to affect people?

Taskinen: As a member of Goblin Shark, I want them to shake their hips, get into our twisted groove and feel the music from album(s) and during the live shows.

Neuvonen: Every one euro that Government gives to support culture comes back in 1,6 times. That is proved truth. Music should be our religion. It will cure, give comfort, gets you high, gives you a boner, makes you laugh, makes you dance, makes you cry etc. etc. We don’t need other religions.

Pirttikangas: There’s some people who don’t need music in their lives. Then there’s folks who always want to hear the same old songs. And then there’s those who are always searching for new sounds. All this is ok. For me music means celebrating the life. Also, it has enormous healing powers. I’ve managed to escape both mental and physical states of pain with playing, singing and listening to music.

What are some of the most important lessons you have learned from your experience in the music paths?

Taskinen: On tour eat when the food is served, take shower when it is possible and sleep as much as you can. If you do these 3 things, it is easy to enjoy playing shows. Only thing what I have not learned really good is say ‘no’ sometimes. When you are +50, recovery takes time. I do show(s) almost every weekend, so sometimes you feel ruined going to work on Monday. Would be great to live just playing in bands, but today’s world unfortunately it is a distant dream, and I have accepted that.

Neuvonen: Always put some beer in your own from backstage fridge first when you arrive in venue. Don’t buy anything mild.

Pirttikangas: Don’t give up. If you believe in what you’re doing. Keep banging your head against that brick wall but remember to keep your helmet on.