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 THE ME'S is a Musically cooperation among the Mussisians and Artists RÉKA SCISZÉR Hungarian Austrian Jazz Singer Film Maker Enfant Terrible (The Pussywarmers) and LALLA MORTE Thai Vietnamese Parisian Burlesque Performer and inventor of the SHRINE and Actresse (Taken) (Chantal Morte) meeting up together in Berlin with the Mysterious One and Only NENE (movie Star Junkies) and Simone ( the pussywarmers) to Record on Real Tape a 2 Sider version of DAWN PENN'S ReggAE Hit from 1967 YOU DONT LOVE ME ( NO NO NO ) , both made they're own version of it SIDE 1: with Reka's BILLY HOLIDAY'S oriented voice whispering :NO NO NO , and she has NENE and Simone backing her up and on the 2.nd SIDE LALLA & RÈKA sing together in the Style of JANE BIRKIN a French version backed up with their Ultra Minimal LO-FI Eko Tiger HOME ORGAN.

"ME's are tiny objects encoded with formulas for all aspects of science and civilization, an ancient reference to units of individual knowledge and information."