



LP: VR1263 (EAN-CODE: 7640111769811)
CD: VRCD63 (EAN-CODE: 7640111769767 )

I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe: I told it not, my wrath did grow.

Tales of ordinary madness, dirty love, illness and sorrow continues and brings us down to the deepest and darkest side of Rock n Roll. Voodoo Rhythm Records is proud to announce the brand new 2nd album of Italians greatest blues punk combo, the MOVIE STAR JUNKIES. The opus is called "A POISON TREE" and its an intense and devilish journey through timeless and sinister murder ballads. Noisy and gloomy tunes, some altered visions from the holy inquisition to WILLIAM BLAKE.
We don't talking about his "Songs of Innocence", Its industrial, its rock n roll marching music from the 14THcentury creating claustrophobic sounds ...To understand it you have to have an appreciation for the dark side of life...
The energy and anger of that strange and familiar sound appears not just by the length of their songs. Two minutes wasn't enough to create this absorbing music and it starts with frantic surf guitars and a marching drum beat attended by that incredible angry and self destructive vocalist who sings about getting buried under a tree, and that tree burns thru the hole record until it changes in to the amazing "a Poison Tree", a poem which was written by William Blake himself.
Their first album "Melville" has been reviewed and appreciated as one of the best records in 2008 all over Europe and America. They toured Europe several times and came back from a succesful U.S tour where they shared stages with some of the best bands around, like the Oh Sees, The Lamps, Blank Dogs and Demon's Claws, they also recorded a live show for New Yorks famous WFMU Radio. It was clear that another liason would happend soon. No one could stop them, so after their return to Italy they produced their second amazing album, which one more time bears traces of the amazing work by Outside Inside Studios in Venice
The Bands live set its full Farfisa drenched madness, bloody chords, angry vocals that bring the crowd into an obscure and moody sound and their -fucked up attitude- reminds you of bands such as Demon's claws, the Black Lips or the early Cramps.



Wir hören Geschichten des täglichen Wahnsinns, dreckiger Liebe, Krankheit und des Leben Leidens, wir hören die tiefste und dunkelste Seite des Rock n Roll. Voodoo Rhythm Records präsentiert mit Stolz das 2.Album Italiens grösster Blues Punk Combo, the MOVIE STAR JUNKIES. Der Opus nennt sich "A POISON TREE" und ist eine intensiv teuflische Reise durch zeitlos mörderische Balladen. Lärmend raue und dunkel düstere Werke, mehr noch, moderne Visionen der heiligen Inquisition William Blakes. Wir reden nicht von Liedern der Unschuld. Es ist Industrial, es ist Rock N Roll! Klaustrophobischen Marschmusik des 14THJahrhundert...Um es zu verstehen braucht es die Zuneigung für die dunklen Seiten des Lebens
Die Energie und der Aerger dieser befremdlichen und doch so familiären Musik zeigt sich nicht nur durch die länge der Songs. Zwei Minuten waren nicht gut genug um diese fesselnde musik zu erzeugen und es beginnt mit rassend wilden Surf Gitarren, begleitet durch einen mörderischen Marsch Beat, und da ist dieser unglaublich wütend selbstzerstörerische Gesang des Sängers welcher davon singt unter einem Baum zu verbrennen, und dieser Baum brennt lichterlo durch das ganze Album bis es zum unglaublichen "a Poison Tree" kommt, ein Gedicht geschrieben vom englischen Dichter und Visionär William Blake himself.
Ihr erstes Meisterwerk "Melville" wurde sogleich weltweit als einer der besten Platten des Jahres 2008 hochgelobt. Sie tourten unendliche male durch Europa, feierten eine erfolgreichen Amerika Tournee wo Sie unter anderem Bands wie the Oh Sees, The Lamps, Blank Dogs und Demon's Claws begleiteten. Es war schnell klar dass eine weitere Zusammenarbeit folgen würde. Niemand konnte Sie stoppen und so produzierte man innert Kürze ein zweites bemerkenswert raues Album, der Klang einmal mehr entsprungen aus den Federn des Outside Inside Studios, Venedig. Ihr live Set ist voller Farfisa ertränkter Verrücktheit. Blutiger Akkorde und einem wütenden Gesang der die Menge in eine obscure und düstere Stimmung versetzt, ihre "fucked up" Attitude erinnert an Bands wie Demon's claws, the Black Lips oder an die Anfänge der Cramps.


Diese aus Italien stammende Formation bringt auf ihrem zweiten Album, dessen Titelsong einen Text vom englischen Dichter William Blake beinhaltet, acht Songs mit. Musikalisch in einer Mischung von Punk und Blues-Rock angesiedelt, bieten die einzelnen Stücke eine vielfältige Klangwelt, die Vergleiche mit verschiedenen Bands zulässt. Der letzte Song des Albums „all winter long" erinnert mich beispielsweise stark an Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds. Zwischen melancholisch ruhigen und knallig düsteren gerade aus gerichteten Songs lässt der Gesang des Frontmannes Bilder vor dem geistigen Auge des Hörers entstehen.

Doug Brunnell
A Poison Tree, another great release from the Movie Star Junkies, hit the airwaves 6/4/10. Voodoo Rhythm Records, of course, released it. You missed it. Where the band's Melville release was heavily influenced, inspired and made for the writer, this release is obsessed with inner darkness and William Blake. You can say many bands embrace the former, but the latter? Not very likely.  From "Almost a God": I admire the devil/For he never finishes things/I admire God/For he finishes everything. It's lyrics like those, mixed with sinister, yet often maudlin music that continues to impress me. It doesn't always happen on the first listen, but it does happen. Listening to the Movie Star Junkies is not a feel-good dance on a three-day weekend. It's a booze-soaked fuck with a bad girl that could end in the murder of either of you. And you like it. Summer heat. Sweat. Backwoods black magic jive by men in threadbare pants and faded hats. This is real. This goes right where your current crop of sound-a-like puppet bands go horribly wrong.  If this band were from America and not Italy, Jack White's label would have them. Instead, Reverend Beat-Man, who has the best ear for music in the entire fucking world, brings his pleasure to our stereos.
I am I don't know how this will sell. I'm sure Beat-Man, though concerned, is more concerned with getting it heard. Like almost all the releases on his label, it is important. It's some of the best music you've never heard. Don't believe me. Listen to "Layenda Negra" and close your eyes. Experience it as it was meant to be ... in a dark, sick state of mind. From that song: "In the cradle of the deep/In the prison of your ribs/There's a man that never speaks/There's a man that makes you weak." Welcome, Junkies. It's been two long years since you've graced our minds. Thank you for visiting us again

Die Musik der MOVIE STAR JUNKIES ist in jeder Hinsicht intensiv. So was hört man nicht nebenbei – man lässt sich hineinziehen und ist für eine gute halbe Stunde davon gefesselt. Verstärkt wird dies noch zum Ende der Platte, wenn der Song „All winter long" sich in einen fast fünfminütigen monotonen Strudel eines einzigen Riffs ergießt.
Apathisch fast, doch faszinierend in der Konsequenz. Erneut darf man auch bei „A Poison Tree", wie auch schon zuvor bei „Melville", von einem Konzeptalbum sprechen. Dreh- und Angelpunkt bildet dabei das titelgebende Gedicht des englischen Dichters William Blake, (1757-1827).
Ein für Blake durchaus ungewöhnlich düsteres und morbides Gedicht, von den MSJ exzellent in Szene gesetzt und mit weiteren sieben dunklen Begleitern ausgestattet wurde. Der vorgegebene Beat aus tiefstem Trash-Blues und dreckiger Garage erinnert nach wie vor an die düstersten Seiten von Nick Cave.
Dennoch finden sich auf „A Poison Tree" noch mehr versteckte Melodien und Hitpotenzial, als auf dem vorherigen Album. Sensationelle Band mit einem weiteren sensationellem Album.

Sweaty trashy wild garage blues from Torino Boto:guitars Caio:drums Nene:bass Vinz:guitars Stefano:vocals-organ
The band was born in 2005 and it was originally a duo. Setting the Birthday Party and Gun Club as their main influences the band started playing a lot of shows in Italy with just a drum and an organ. They later developed their line-up adding two guitars and a bass. After their debut single, MSJreleased songs on several compilations and split EPs, played gigs in France, Croatia and U.

A Poison Tree, another great release from the Movie Star Junkies, hit the airwaves 6/4/10. Voodoo Rhythm Records, of course, released it.You missed it.Where the band's Melville release was heavily influenced, inspired and made for the writer, this release is obsessed with inner darkness and William Blake. You can say many bands embrace the former, but the latter? Not very likely. From "Almost a God": I admire the devil/For he never finishes things/I admire God/For he finishes everything. It's lyrics like those, mixed with sinister, yet often maudlin music that continues to impress me. It doesn't always happen on the first listen, but it does happen. Listening to the Movie Star Junkies is not a feel-good dance on a three-day weekend. It's a booze-soaked fuck with a bad girl that could end in the murder of either of you. And you like it. Summer heat. Sweat. Backwoods black magic jive by men in threadbare pants and faded hats. This is real. This goes right where your current crop of sound-a-like puppet bands go horribly wrong. If this band were from America and not Italy, Jack White's label would have them. Instead, Reverend Beat-Man, who has the best ear for music in the entire fucking world, brings his pleasure to our stereos. I don't know how this will sell. I'm sure Beat-Man, though concerned, is more concerned with getting it heard. Like almost all the releases on his label, it is important. It's some of the best music you've never heard. Don't believe me. Listen to "Layenda Negra" and close your eyes. Experience it as it was meant to be ... in a dark, sick state of mind. From that song: "In the cradle of the deep/In the prison of your ribs/There's a man that never speaks/There's a man that makes you weak."  Welcome, Junkies. It's been two long years since you've graced our minds. Thank you for visiting us again.

A Poison Tree è un album meno irruento e più umbratile di Melville. E' crepuscolare, decadente nell'accezione romantica e pure il volume dei suoni (acustici e raffinati), insolitamente basso per le produzioni odierne, sa molto di gag vintage dal fosco appeal retrò. A due anni di distanza da quell'esordio, ma con una serie sterminata di pezzi piccoli e furibondi live di qua e di là dell'oceano, i piemontesi Movie Star Junkies rilanciano il coordinato di credenziali che da sempre vive sottotraccia al progetto, ovvero tutta la tradizone del blues cimiteriale che dai Gun Club passa per Nick Cave e Tom Waits per arrivare ai Chrome Cranks. Fin dall'attacco di Under The Marble Faun si capisce però che non hanno nessuna intenzione di deporre l'ascia di guerra, seppur usando toni più blandi, eleganti e raffinati (la murder ballad The Walnut Tree e la title-track) quando non pop (il jingle di Hail).
Trame scure si rilevano in Leyenda Negra e nell'interminabile incedere finale di All Winter Long a ricordare a tutti di che pasta sono fatti i nostri. I testi, ancora un volta, fanno man bassa di letteratura celebre (Blake e Hawthorne su tutti) e minoritaria (Almost A God riprende una poesia di Emanuel Carnevali, già noto al sottobosco musicale italiano via Massimo Volume), oltre che di storia, tradizione, mitologia e superstizioni. Una nuova gemma targata Italia che fa coppia con l'imparentato progetto Vermillion Sands, a dimostrazione di un gusto e di una sensibilità con pochi pari nei patri confini (e non solo).

Das zweite Album der italienischen Band MOVIE STAR JUNKIES wurde nach dem William Blake Gedicht „A Poison Tree" benannt. Dazu passen die düstere Grundstimmung der Platte und die angesprochenen Themen, die allesamt auf der dunklen Seite des Lebens beheimatet sind. Die musikalische Bandbreite der Italiener reicht von Blues-Punk bis zu gloomigem Rock'n'Roll, wird mit einigen Industrial-Effekten verfeinert und ist auf jeden Fall sehr eigenständig und fesselnd, so wie man das von Voodoo Rhythm gewöhnt ist. Die Highlights von „A Poison Tree" sind das von einem Rockabilly-Rhythmus geprägte ‚The Walnut Tree', das hypnotische ‚Leyenda Negra', das den melancholischen Text mit fröhlicher Musik konterkarierende ‚Hail' und das sich dramatisch steigernde ‚Your Saddest Smile'

Pourquoi voudriez-vous qu'on dise du mal de MOVIE STAR JUNKIES ? Après un premier album suintant le Blues et le noir, pensez-vous sincèrement que les Italiens pourraient nous sortir un album indigne de leur trempe ? Auriez-vous oublié qu'en matière de qualité, Voodoo Rhythm Records qui a un flair sans pareil, est un maître ?  Donc MOVIE STAR JUNKIES revient avec un excellent deuxième album où l'on retrouve leur Garage-Blues-Punk des plus sombre. Un rock'n'roll inspiré par les ambiances magistrales de NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS, J.C. SATAN ou THE GUN CLUB, qui fait mouche tant sur les morceaux rampants (A Poison Tree, Saddie Smile, All Winter Long) que sur les titres plus relevés. Au grand damne du Désespoir, MOVIE STAR JUNKIES, façon road-movie, lui ravit la vedette. Noire, on vous dit qu'elle l'est, la musique des Italiens... Un groupe qui se place parmi les meilleurs du catalogue suisse.